Driven by results and backed by science, Acresa is the most precise provider of vegetation control services.

Trusted by top professionals in agriculture, manufacturing and the energy sector for more than a decade, we’ve developed PureAim, our technology to precisely manage, locate and track every one of our 10,000+ site applications. PureAim combines advanced GPS and weather tracking with exhaustive reporting to provide our clients with the most progressive vegetation control program and results while maximizing budgets and efficiencies.

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Leading in authenticity and progress

Formerly Green Acres Consulting, our new name is a powerful representation of our past and our future. Agriculture is our DNA, small-town values are our roots, land is our connection, and the beauty of nature is our soul. This is what drives our dedication to progress in environmental science and technology. Acresa combines authenticity with cresa, from the Latin word for expand, and carries layered meanings: acres, heritage, transparency, development and growth. As we grow, our mission is to pioneer truly innovative vegetation control services across North America.

Ready to disrupt average?